With bated breath Dave and I headed south to get our new funksauce booth ready at The Factory on Friday (see last post). I was both nervous and excited, and had the new minivan, the one that I've not been overly excited about (two posts ago), but the same one that I had to use to get my stuff to Farmington. Could I have gotten it all in the Maxima? Probably, but I must say that it was a whole lot easier this way, so now begins my reluctant acceptance and appreciation for the convenience of the Oddysey. Once there it took us about four hours to set up. I happened to bring along some vintage pink butterfly curtains, which worked for draping over a box shelf to make a make-shift women's section for hats and shoes. David hung up picture collages he put together of old Volkswagen buses and disco balls. The amount of racks and clothing and accessories we brought seemed to work out perfectly. Though a touch cramped, there is enough room for customers to walk around and browse comfortably.
We thought what we had here was a pretty cool store, and we weren't even done--we had more things we wanted to do on a return trip a few days later. Dave made plans to go back on Monday to put on the final touches and to check our sales. Over the weekend I picked up a $5 chair that I thought we could put back into the corner of the booth, a corner that we can't really utilize at this point. It was a good deal for its purpose, and could be used for people to try on shoes or take a load off. At the same sale I found an older
wooden game board that I thought would go great on top of our circular rack that we could put stuff on, and would give off a little nostalgia as opposed to an empty hole, and it would create more shelving. For its purpose, it was another sweet deal at $3. David had the idea of hanging record album covers on the bare walls
that we couldn't use for anything else, and we learned from our across-the-way booth buddy, Ginnese, that we could get a store sign poster made at Office
Max for $15. Our shop was set to be the hippest freakin' shop in the whole three story building. We were at the peak of our game. We were going to set this joint afire. On Monday David went down and finished setting up shop and checked the sales log. He emailed me to say that we had sold a whopping.......zero. That's right, the big, fat, ugly. Oh, people had tousled through our stuff. Was it that Farmingtonites are lacking moxy? Are our prices too high? Is our stuff not yet up to snuff, or too snuffy? But just like with the website that's been in the red, we're ok with this for the time being.
Vintage clothing our hobby, our love, our kitty-cat on a cold rainy day. But please understand that we are not a museum, even though we've got the baddest looking shop in the whole place. We meant for it to be look, touch, and and take home.
It looks awesome! Give it time! Word of mouth will spread...even among Farmingtonites. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job guys!! It looks great. It will just take the right person to come along! Good luck